New Starter Session Routines
Starting school is a huge step in any child’s life and it only happens once. All our 40 new Reception children can start full time in September. Smooth transition is a priority and is a process which is planned carefully for the benefit of all our children.
To ensure that starting school is an enjoyable and positive experience, we liaise with local nurseries and playgroups and offer a range of opportunities for children and parents to get to know the school.
Preliminary visits to school are organised before admission during the Summer term. In May we host an information evening and then in June /July we offer transition sessions for all children and their parents. Home visits for all 40 children are also offered by the Reception staff at the start of the Autumn term during week 1. Parents/grandparents/carers can share information about their child, practitioners get to know the child in the home environment and begin the partnership between home and school.
Broomhill Infant School strongly believe that “Relaxed starts, ideally staggered, are invaluable” for new children starting in Reception (Primary National Strategy). Our new Reception children have a staggered entry into school, starting with a morning session in Week 1 8.20am-11:30am. In Week 2 children have their morning session, stay for lunch and leave school at 1:30pm. In Week 3 children stay all day until 3pm. Having a staggered start provides an opportunity for children to become familiar with the environment, the routines and adults in the setting. Practitioners can respond to the circumstances and specific needs of each child. This facilitates smooth transition for our children.
Part-time children attend school every morning from 8.20am a.m till 12pm and go home for lunch.
The School Day
Morning School | 08:20 to 12:00 |
Morning Break | 10:45 to 11.00 |
Lunchtime | 12:00 to 13:00 |
Afternoon School | 13:00 to 15:00 |