
Assessment is a continuous process that supports the school’s aim of realising the potential of every child in all aspects of learning and development. A wide range of strategies are used. Evidence of assessment is kept to monitor progress and to provide a record of children’s attainment to inform teachers and parents. Pupil progress meetings are held each half term, each child's progress and attainment is discussed and interventions planned if required.

More recently, as the curriculum has been refined, subject leaders have been given time to monitor the impact of what has been planned and taught. This monitoring process can be seen in the attached document (impact monitoring cycle). 

Reception Baseline Assessment

This is an assessment that all new Reception starters will undertake within the first six weeks of starting school. This will be used as a benchmark as the child moves up through school.

Phonics Screening Check

This is a national check that is done in the summer term of Y1. It consists of forty words that the children need to read correctly. Twenty of these words are known words and twenty of them are pseudo (made up) words.

Year 2 SATS (standard assessment test)

The government requires that teachers assess the Year 2 cohort. There are two separate reading papers and two separate maths papers; arithmetic and reasoning. In Key Stage One, these assessments must be done in May.

Curriculum Impact Monitoring Cycle

The aim of the curriculum monitoring impact cycle is to triangulate the intent, implementation and impact of the curriculum. It will inform the subject lead as to whether the children know more, can do more and can remember more. The assessment sheet used when the subject leaders monitor their subject is attached.