Orange Base - Foundation Stage 2
We are a FS2 class and are part of the new Foundation Stage Unit. Mr Shaw is our class teacher. Our teaching assistant is Mrs Ahmad. Mrs Hawley and Ms Logan work across all classes. Ms Ball are our active teaching assistants doing forest school and working with groups of children.
We have lots of volunteer helpers in our class, including parents and grandparents.
There are a wide range of activities and resources to support our learning, including computers, role play, creative corner, sand and water. We also have an outdoor area where we play and learn.
We go on lots of visits and have lots of visitors in to school to help us to learn.
On our visits we have been to the Botanical Gardens, Broomhill Library, Bridlington, Yorkshire Wildlife Park, Magna and Yorkshire Sculpture Park.
Our topics this year include:
Autumn 1 | Where do you belong? |
Autumn 2 | How do you celebrate? |
Spring 1 | Who is your superhero? |
Spring 2 | Have you got green fingers? |
Summer 1 | HWho laid this egg? |
Summer 2 | Where would you go? |
Orange Base has P.E on a Wednesday morning. Children need to wear shorts and a t-shirt and a pair of pumps for indoor P.E. Please make sure your child also have an outdoor P.E kit too. (jogging bottoms and a jumper are most appropriate). Earrings must be removed for P.E. If your child cannot remove these independently then please can you do so before they come to school. Please practice dressing and undressing without help.
Forest School is Wednesday
Please make sure your child’s reading record and reading book are in their book bag every day
Please don’t hesitate to speak to Mr Shaw before or after school if you have any queries.
Thank you.